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Nutritional support for foals

Why proper nutritional support for foals is important from the start

The first stages of life are a crucial period for growth and development, in which proper nutritional support for foals is very important. Inadequate support can lead to an increased risk of disease and various disorders, to even permanent problems later in life. Therefore, it is important to make sure your foal gets all the nutrients it needs to develop healthy bones, muscles, joints and a strong immune system.

Start even before birth

You can support your foal even before birth by giving the mare nutritional supplements. Providing your pregnant mare with a balanced mix of essential vitamins and minerals will support her overall health. This can help her deal with the extra strain of pregnancy and keep her conditions optimal for a successful pregnancy.

The nutrients that the mare gets also play a crucial role in the development of the unborn foal. But which nutrients are crucial for a pregnant mare? By giving your mare a mineral supplement such as Mineron she will receive all the nutrients needed for healthy growth and development of the foal:

  • Glucosamine & chrondroitin: support joints and the production of healthy cartilage
  • Calcium: essential for bone development and a healthy skeleton
  • Vitamin D: improves calcium absorption, which is essential for bone development
  • Collagen: promotes bone density and keeps cartilage supple
  • Copper, zinc & manganese: support optimal nervous system function and muscle function


Beta-glucans for a strong start

The first milk produced by the mare is called colostrum. It is a highly nutritious and rich milk to provide the newborn foal with all the essential nutrients and antibodies for a healthy start in life. By giving your mare a cure Immunotop, the quality of her colostrum is going to improve by increasing the amount of immune cells, so your foal will have better immunity. But what exactly are those immune cells?

Immunity refers to a horse's ability to defend itself against pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. On the one hand, there is innate immunity that includes physical barriers such as the skin and mucous membranes. This generally does not provide long-term protection. On the other hand, there is acquired immunity. This more specialized form develops only after exposure to specific pathogens. It includes the production of immune cells and antibodies that provide long-term protection against reinfection by the same pathogen.

Immunotop was enriched with Beta-glucans to stimulate the production of these immune cells. They are a group of complex carbohydrates that have the ability to regulate and stimulate the immune system. When they are added to the mare's diet, they can increase the production of immune cells, resulting in an increased concentration of immune factors in the colostrum and thus improved immunity and protection of the young foal.

Additional support during the first few months

During the first few months of life, your foal undergoes a period of rapid growth and development. During this period, there is an increased need for nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals to develop healthy bones, muscles, joints and organs.

How can you meet this increased need of your young horse? Vital+ is recommended by veterinarians for this purpose and ensures it gets all the essential nutrients it needs for optimal growth and development:

  • Lysine & methionine: play a vital role during growth
  • Calcium, phosphorus & magnesium: essential for proper bone development, which is critical for reducing the risk of OCD's
  • Vitamins B, C & E: improve resistance and vitality
  • Copper: essential building material for the creation and repair of bone and cartilage
  • Biotin: improves coat and hoof quality


From the very beginning, providing proper nutritional support for foals is vital for healthy development. Start even before birth by providing support to the mare by giving her a course of Immunotop and Mineron. After birth, give your mare and foal Vital+ that is rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, to ensure the best possible start in life for your young horse.

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